Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Self-Care and What it Means to Me

My personal definition/description of self-care

Self-care is an integral part of my day, everyday! Over the years I have learned what I personally need to ensure balance, calmness, and appreciation in my life.  For me, self-care can be embedded in daily routine with little awareness of "it" even occurring. Whereas, other instances you need to engage in the practice...a practice that is intrinsically motivating so you continue to do it for the enjoyment and benefits.  After the practice has finished you feel rejuvenated or much closer to a state of balance and homeostasis.

Self-care can often fall into daily routine in a somewhat unconscious fashion.  For instance, interactions with colleagues, friends, family, and/or the public; the pleasure gained from connecting with them in scenarios where you are supporting them, they are supporting you, or there is a dialogue that leads to laughter or insight that leads to fulfillment. If laughter is often included in your day you are releasing endorphins that help you feel more relaxed, both emotionally and physically. This example illustrates how small episodes of self-care can occur with minimal effort but they do indeed lead to a more positive state.

Personally, my day is mixed with both planned and unplanned self-care practices.  The everyday planned practices include healthy eating, taking time to exercise, reading the news, and connecting with my husband.  The unplanned are things that arise at work and in leisure time when I get to support others, be someones' reference for a new job, be a listening ear for someone who just needs someone, be a learner at conference, be inspired by a peer, and so on. Everyday can provide opportunities that add to your self-care reservoir.

When self-care practices are ignored my body becomes easily disturbed.  My energy levels sink, I feel more agitated and irritable, and my patience decreases. If these signs start to occur I know to stop what I am doing, put my running shoes on, and get outside.

I have included some activities I do when the opportunities arise that support my personal self-care. These are the things that help me feel more connected to nature, be grateful, energized, and reflective.

Buntzen Lake Run
Buntzen Lake - taking a pause from a run to enjoy the beauty

Trail Running  (I get lost in my breath and heart beat, the environment I am in, and the energy that is traveling through my body).

Enjoying the local food in Zambia

Traveling and diving into a new culture - whether it be trying local foods, learning a new language, or engaging in cultural activities. I always self reflect during my travels and return home feeling more open, adaptable, and curious.

Using a broom to get the mangoes

Gathering food from the primary source - there is something about digging through dirt, picking fresh fruit, and seeing the connection from nature to kitchen that is so refreshing.


  1. Inspiring, sometimes we try to hard and forget the things that are "embedded" in our day. Good food and connections with others. Thanks for your thoughts
